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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Colombia: Killers Target Food Workers Union Leader

Posted to the IUF website 25-Aug-2003

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The IUF has learned of a failed assassination attempt on the life of yet another trade unionist in Colombia, where over 130 union officials and members have been murdered over the past year.

On August 22, armed gunmen on motorcycles fired in broad daylight on Juan Carlos Galvis as he was being driven to his home in the city of Barrancabermeja. Galvis is president of the food workers union SINALTRAINAL in the city and a regional official of the national center CUT.

The failed attempt on his life closely follows the July 31 death threat to Euclides G�mez of the IUF-affiliated rural workers union SINTRAINAGRO, over 425 members and leaders of which have been assassinated.

The IUF holds the government of Colombia directly responsible for securing the lives and wellbeing of Colombian trade unionists in this murderous environment. We therefore request that you send a message to the highest authorities of that country demanding the government guarantee security and effective, immediate protection for all trade unionists, including Juan Carlos Galvis. A sample letter follows below.

Kindly send copies of any message you might send to the IUF secretariat. We thank you in advance for your solidarity and support.

Sample Message to the President of Colombia

Dr. Alvaro Uribe V�lez
Presidente de la Rep�blica
Fax: + 571 566 2071/+ 571 334 1323
E-Mail: [email protected]

with copies to:

Dr. Fernando Londo�o Hoyos
Ministro del Interior y Justicia
Fax: + 571 560 46 30
E-Mail: [email protected]

Edgardo Jos� Maya Villazon
Procurador General de la Naci�n
E-mail: [email protected]

Presidente de la Rep�blica de Colombia
Dr. Alvaro Uribe V�lez

El 22 de Agosto del 2003, hombres armados en motocicletas dispararon en plena luz del d�a sobre Juan Carlos Galvis mientras volv�a en auto a su casa situada en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja. Afortunadamente, Galvis que es presidente del sindicato de trabajadores de la alimentaci�n SINALTRAINAL de esa ciudad y delegado regional oficial de la CUT, pudo sobrevivir a este repudiable atentado.

Lamentablemente, este hecho no es un caso aislado. M�s de 130 dirigentes sindicales han sido asesinados en su pa�s durante el a�o pasado. En vista de este r�cord sin paralelo de violencia antisindical, es esencial que su gobierno proporcione sin condiciones las necesarias medidas de protecci�n para todos los dirigentes sindicales que lo soliciten.

Dado que su gobierno no ha investigado, apresado y procesado a los autores de estos asesinatos y en ausencia de tal protecci�n, el movimiento sindical y la opini�n p�blica democr�tica internacional considerar�n a las autoridades colombianas directamente responsables de las vidas y bienestar de los dirigentes sindicales de su pa�s.

Esperamos medidas concretas e inmediatas de su parte ya que vamos a seguir este caso de cerca.

A la espera de una respuesta de vuestra parte y esperando una pronta resoluci�n de la situaci�n antes descrita, saludo a Usted atentamente.

Mr. President

On August 22, armed gunmen on motorcycles fired in broad daylight on Juan Carlos Galvis as he was being driven to his home in the city of Barrancabermeja. Galvis is president of the food workers union SINALTRAINAL in the city and a regional official of the national center CUT, was fortunate to survive this attempt on his life.

This latest attempted assassination is not an isolated incident. Over 130 trade union leaders have been murdered in your country over the past year. In view of this unparalleled record of anti-union violence, it is essential that your government provide, without condition, immediate and effective protective measures for trade union members and leaders.

Given your government's failure to investigate these murders and apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators, and in the absence of the necessary protective measures, the trade union movement and democratic public opinion internationally will hold the Colombian authorities directly accountable for the lives and wellbeing of your country's trade unionists.

I look forward to immediate action on your part.
