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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Darfur crisis: IUF appeals for urgent protest and humanitarian support

Posted to the IUF website 28-Jul-2004

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The IUF has called on its affiliates and all other trade union organizations to react to the ongoing crisis in Darfur. The crisis, which goes beyond a humanitarian one, has seen the systematic killings and horrific abuses of African Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups by �Janjaweed� militias. By many accounts these militias are armed and supported by the Sudanese government. Respected independent human rights groups have described these horrific abuses as genocidal and ethnic cleansing.

The international community has again been slow to react, failed to recognize the scale and the roots of the crisis and now needs to be forced into fast, effective action, including, if proven, the criminal pursuit of those responsible for acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

To read more the IUF recommends affiliates consult the web sites of both Amnesty International (click here) and Human Rights Watch (click here).

The IUF calls upon affiliates to join the actions aimed at forcing effective and appropriate interventions on the part of the United Nations and the international community more widely. Such interventions are already too late for many thousands of people. Call on your government and the UN to act now to help those who can still be saved and to bring justice for Darfur. Consult the Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch web sites to see how most effectively you can contact governments and the United Nations.

Affiliates who wish to make contributions to humanitarian organizations should contact appropriate national bodies or do so through humanitarian assistance bodies mentioned by either of the human rights organizations mentioned above or Oxfam International (click here) .