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Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

Hungarian, Korean Unions in Solidarity with UK Tesco Meatworker Campaign

Posted to the IUF website 15-Dec-2008

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IUF affiliates in Hungary and Korea demonstrated at Tesco stores on December 11. The unions were responding to an IUF call for solidarity action in support of the T&G section of the UK's Unite campaign for equal treatment for meat workers employed in the UK and Ireland in transnational retail giant Tesco's supply chain.

In Budapest, Hungary, the meat workers' union HDSZ carried out a morning-long action at one of the capital's largest and oldest stores. The union handed out leaflets, informed customers of the issues involved, and presented the branch manager with a letter to Tesco CEO Terry Leahy.

In Seoul, representatives of the IUF-affiliated service and Coca-Cola workers' unions were joined at the demonstration picket by unions organizing chemical and textile workers, public services and transport and the metalworkers. Customers were informed about the struggle in the UK, the letter to Tesco management was read aloud and the unions pledged their commitment to future solidarity action, celebrating the recent union victory in Namibia where a ban on contract labour agencies has just been upheld by the courts.

You can support the campaign by clicking here to sign an electronic petition to Tesco CEO Terry Leahy on the union's website, where there's also more information and campaign materials..