
Union rights violations at Mondelez North America

10.06.15 News
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The IUF-affiliated BCTGM in North America, representing some 4,000 Nabisco workers, reports attacks on trade union rights at Mondelez facilities.

Mondelez has attempted to deny elected union officials access to their members' plants, in violation of the rights set out in collective agreements and in US federal labour law. Management is insisting the union inform management which officers are seeking access, with whom and what they plan to discuss, and imposing management escorts as a condition for the access which is guaranteed by law.

Further, Mondelez is attempting to bypass the role of union officials in grievance procedures and has even proposed video conferencing grievance procedures (allegedly to reduce travel costs!). The union has made clear its firm opposition to any form of video conferencing or tapeing of such meetings as a violation of due process and of basic rights,

BCTGM is involved in legal challenges to Mondelez' unilateral introduction of Lean Six Sigma productivity schemes for bypassing and undermining the role of the union in negotiating workplace practices.

Read more in the latest Mondelez Union Network HERE