

18.10.12 News
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"Make my workplace safe" campaign presentation

IUF recommendations for housekeeping sector (endorsed during 2012 HRCT Trade Board meeting)

"Make my workplace safe" press release

"Make up my workplace" leaflet (high resolution - 3 MB - low resolution - 591 KB)

The Law of Hotel Housekeepers and the Country Law Appendix (a research of the YALE LAW SCHOOL for UNITE HERE!)

Researches by the Labor Law Clinic at Cornell University Law School: Occupational Health and Safety Standards for Housekeepers and The law in South Africa and Estonia

Leaflet "Global list of demands", A4 size - A3 size - A5 size

Logo Global Week of Action 2019, JPG format

Logo Global Week of Action for the Marriott campaignJPG for Facebook and Instagram - JPG for Twitter

Leaflet "Housekeeping Campaign Achievements", PDF format  - JPG format INSIDE - JPG format OUTSIDE