Published: 12/05/2010

Iranian teacher union activist Farzad Kamanger was executed in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on May 9, together with 4 other political prisoners. The families have not been allowed to claim their bodies. Teachers’ unions, the IUF and other international trade union organizations, Amnesty International and other human rights groups had campaigned for his release following his 2008 conviction on ludicrous charges of “endangering national security” and “enmity against God” in a mock 5-minute trial.

International union organizations and labourstart have joined in an online campaign to inform the Iranian authorities of our outrage – and determination to see no more executions of trade union members and activists.

On May 1, Mohammad Olyaiefard, lawyer for the Haft Tapeh and Tehran Bus Workers’ Unions, was arrested and is currently in detention. There is good reason to fear for his safety and well-being.

Ali Nejati, president of the Haft Tapeh sugar union, has now been released from prison after serving his sentence, but together with union officer Reza Rakhshan faces new sentencing on separate charges for which they were convicted relating to their union activity. We will be regularly updating news on their situation as it becomes available.