CC.OO advances training material on LGBTI workers’ rights
IUF-affiliated CC.OO in Spain has produced training material on LGBTI related topics for its members in Spanish. A dictionary on diversity provides a glossary of terms and helps members understand the terminology in relation to diversity and specifically LGBTI issues.
“Sexual diversity is a union issue” explains to members how to properly use the terminology and build effective measures respecting LGBTI rights and members and the workplace actions that can support effective inclusion and respect. The material also includes information about existing regulations that support LGBTI workers’ rights.
“Key for equality” material includes information on the legal support CC.OO can provide to combat LGBTI phobia.
Please find here an equality and diversity plan signed between CC.OO and the Pastificio Group, La Tagliatella. The plan includes the integration of the LGBTI workers’ right in the collective agreement and guarantees equal treatment for all workers including LGBTI workers.