Published: 01/06/2018

Workers at private equity owned ‘casual dining’ chain TGI Friday’s in the UK launched a third round of 24-hour strikes on June 1 backed by the IUF affiliate Unite, following their strikes on May 18 and May 25. Workers struck 4 restaurants in London, Manchester and Milton Keynes, picketed, rallied and marched in opposition to a new tipping policy that would see staff lose up to GBP 250 per month.

“The strike is solid, more workers are joining the union every day”, said Unite officer Dave Turnbull. “We will not back down until the company sits down with us to settle this dispute.”

In Manchester Labour shadow chancellor John McDonnell met with the strikers to express his “100% support”, while delegates to the Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union (HRF) congress in Stockholm showed their solidarity.


You can support the fight back against exploitation and low pay – CLICK HERE to send a message to CEO Karen Forrester, telling the company you support the workers’ demands and urging talks with Unite.