Published: 18/12/2023

On December 11, the Philippines’ Senate unanimously voted for Resolution 877 which allows for the ratification of ILO C190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.

  • IUF affiliates to SENTRO, one of the Philippines’ largest trade union confederations, delivered this important outcome through tireless collective action and intensive collective campaigning, especially since the adoption of C190 in June 2019
  • SENTRO’s trade unions, including many Filipina trade unionists, also played a key role during the International Labour Conference’s negotiation of C190
  • The Philippines is the first country in Asia to ratify ILO C190; in the Pacific region, the international standard has been ratified by three governments so far: Fiji, Australia, and Papua New Guinea

Hidayat Greenfield, IUF Regional Secretary for Asia/Pacific, stated: “We celebrate the ratification of C190 not only for the legal doors it has opened towards the further protection of women and workers in the broad world of work, but also as an acknowledgement of the challenges faced by women, and our shared desire to alleviate them. As unjust bearers of multiple burdens, we look towards a future free of gender-based abuse and inequity in the political, economic, and cultural spheres. We congratulate all that contributed to this success, and we cheerfully continue our work towards the full recognition and enjoyment of our rights.”

We celebrate the ratification of C190 not only for the legal doors it has opened towards the further protection of women and workers in the broad world of work, but also as an acknowledgement of the challenges faced by women, and our shared desire to alleviate them.
Hidayat Greenfield, IUF Asia/Pacific Regional Secretary