Published: 30/07/2021

Rel-UITA is continuing its important work on behalf of LGBTI workers by expanding its political advocacy efforts in Brazil. Recently State Congresswoman Luciane Carminatti met with members of the IUF’s Latin American LGBTI Group including Gisele Adão, Vice President of the IUF’s LGBTI Workers & Allies Committee and Eduardo Medeiro, Director of the Union of Food Industry Workers of Criciúma and the Region (SINTIACR), to discuss how to advance public policy for LGBTI workers in Florianópolis.

  • The trade union delegation has requested that the Santa Catarina Legislative Assembly which oversees research on violence against women expand its mandate to include LGBTI issues
  • More research and data are necessary to inform the development of public policy for the LGBTI community

Click here to view Rel-UITA’s short video about this important project!

Gisele Adão, Vice President of the IUF’s LGBTI Workers & Allies Committee, stated: “There are no social services or legal aid for LGBTI people in the state of Santa Catarina; it is extremely important to achieve greater visibility for our issues and our work.”

There are no social services or legal aid for LGBTI people in the state of Santa Catarina; it is extremely important to achieve greater visibility for our issues and our work.
Gisele Adão, Vice President, IUF LGBTI Workers & Allies Committee