Published: 12/06/2023

IUF and EFFAT along with their affiliated trade unions, reiterate their demands to governments and multinationals to take action and bring change to millions of children’s lives:

  • Introduce mandatory human rights due diligence legislation
  • Ensure traceability of all goods in the agricultural supply chains so that no child labour can be used
  • Pay a fair price for agricultural crops to ensure that small holders receive a living income and waged workers are paid a living wage
  • Establish laws on child labour in agriculture in compliance with ILO C138 and C182 without exemptions on minimum age and enforce these laws through government labour inspection
  • Remove the obstacles to workers organizing in agriculture

Each step taken toward eradicating child labour will give every child the tools to thrive.

End child labour.

End child labour now! #WDACL23