Published: 03/06/2022

The illegitimate Myanmar military regime has attempted to conceal the truth and mislead the people of Myanmar about its status at the International Labour Conference with a news release implying the regime’s participation through attendance at a Labour Ministers’ meeting of non-aligned members held in conjunction with the conference proceedings. The military junta’s brutal repression of freedom of speech, censorship and arrests of independent journalists allow the military’s State Administration Council (SAC) to propagate such lies through state-controlled media.

Here is the truth about the status of Myanmar at the ILO:

  • For the second year in a row, the ILO has rejected the credentials of the Myanmar military Government; on June 2, the Credentials Committee of the International Labour Conference (ILC) decided that “no delegates for Myanmar would be accredited at the 2022 ILC”
  • The committee further noted that “no invitations have been extended to Myanmar to attend any ILO meetings since the decision of the 2021 ILC to refuse accreditation”
  • The committee also noted the ILO Governing Body “deplored the lack of progress towards respecting the will of the people, democratic institutions and processes” and takes note of the resolution of the UN Human Rights Council which condemned the military coup and “called on the Myanmar armed forces to end the declaration of martial law and return to the democratic transition in Myanmar and end all obstruction to the democratic process in Myanmar”

The IUF endorses the resolution of the Human Rights Council and calls for the continued exclusion of the Myanmar Government from UN institutions until democracy prevails and democratic rights are upheld.

IUF General Secretary Sue Longley stated, “The IUF stands in solidarity with all workers and their unions suffering from extreme rights violations at the hands of the armed forces. We mourn those who have lost their lives and call for the release of those imprisoned for defending their rights.”

The IUF stands in solidarity with all workers and their unions suffering from extreme rights violations at the hands of the armed forces. We mourn those who have lost their lives and call for the release of those imprisoned for defending their rights.
Sue Longley, IUF General Secretary