Featured image for - Unions Travel Across India to Show Solidarity with Unilever Assam Workers

Unions Travel Across India to Show Solidarity with Unilever Assam Workers


Representatives of 13 unions at 10 Unilever India factories travelled across the country to meet in Assam on March 27-28...

Featured image for - Pearl Continental Workers End Sit-in, Hunger Strike as Crisis Forces Management Response

Pearl Continental Workers End Sit-in, Hunger Strike as Crisis Forces Management Response


Two hundred union members occupying the basement of the Pearl Continental Karachi Hotel ended their 25-day sit-in on Saturday night,...

Featured image for - Call for Action from UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food: Over Half the World’s Hungry are Food  Producers

Call for Action from UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food: Over Half the World’s Hungry are Food Producers


The right to food is grounded in key human rights instruments (declarations, conventions, covenants) which oblige governments not only to...

Featured image for - Agreement in Colombian Palm Plantation Struggle Ends 67-Day Strike

Agreement in Colombian Palm Plantation Struggle Ends 67-Day Strike


An agreement between the Colombian rural workers union SINTRAINAGRO and Palo Alto Gnecco Espinosa Investments has brought a successful first...