Italy: unions win single national agreement at Mondelez

About 1,000 workers in Italy now have a new collective bargaining agreement with Mondelez following lengthy negotiations between Italian IUF affiliates and the company. FLAI-CGIL reports the new agreement unifies...

Successful negotiations at Mondelez Malaysia

...successfully negotiated a satisfactory outcome concerning the employment impact of the Johor Baru plant closure. Mondelez management unilaterally announced the imminent closure of the plant at the beginning of July...

Broad attack on worker rights at Mondelez Malaysia

Mondelez management attempted to unilaterally announce the closure of the Johor Baru plant at the beginning of July 2018, but Malaysian IUF affiliate FIEU intervened to demand negotiations. Despite several...

Defending decent jobs at Mondelez

...model has eliminated 16,000 workers’ jobs from Mondelez since 2015. This international meeting of IUF Mondelez affiliates builds on two years of collective action by IUF affiliates to defend their...